Let it not be forgotten ...
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- Written by: Raphael Ravago
- Category: Interclub
- Hits: 1643
(Post Event Editorial for the MaAI INTERNATIONAL AIKIDO SEMINAR 2024 feat Makoto Ito Shihan)
COVID and the End of the Pandemic
Let it not be forgotten that the nearly four years of COVID lockdown in the Philippines from 2020 to 2023 had an extremely negative impact on our regular practice of Aikido. Beginning with the total cessation of all sports activities and even with the gradual easing and application of social distancing measures, these presented significant challenges for any organization to be able to hold any keiko at all and travel restrictions limited participants to only with those within one's vicinity, thereby reducing the overall frequency and selection of partners in actual practice.
It is said that "Nature abhors a vacuum." So true in the case of the devoted martial artist who will constantly seek what he seems to lack at his particular stage of development. Feeling the pangs of withdrawal from Aikido, we persisted as best as we could and made use of every opportunity to revive our practice. Holding keiko whenever restrictions would allow, wearing masks to comply with safety requirements, even developing an online curriculum to allow university students to be able to complete their unit requirements. We kept our faith and persevered, until finally the COVID pandemic was officially lifted and we can all go back to normal.
As bad as it was, our time of COVID solitude also did give us time to contemplate. To realize that we have taken for granted the essential need to have an 'uke' to maintain our techniques. We need each other to grow in the art of Aikido. Whether it is to obtain new experiences, reevaluate our effectiveness, polish our techniques, finding our next level of growth - none of this can be done without the presence of another. As a result of this newfound appreciation, in the aftermath of COVID and the return to normalcy, we find ourselves overjoyed to be able to reestablish contact and resume practice with our fellow MaAI aikidokas.
Return to Normalcy and Preparations for the Event
Riding on the wave of this euphoria, we also find the courage and drive to venture further and reestablish ties to the greater Aikido community. Hence our next step forward was to invite again Makoto Ito Shihan with whom we last organized a sponsored seminar in 2019, just before the COVID pandemic. For us, his presence symbolizes our reconnection with Hombu Dojo instruction. The seminar would also provide the opportunity for a reunion with our close Aikido brothers in the Saudi Aikido Association (SAA) and make it a truly international event.
We were most grateful that Makito Ito Shihan acceded to our request and proceeded to make arrangements for his arrival in Manila.
While we were planning for a simple event, relayed messages brought to our attention that aikidokas of other organizations were very much interested to participate in the seminar featuring Ito Shihan. As we have had little experience in handling the expectations of a larger event, we had serious doubts about our ability to make it happen. Nonetheless, in the spirit of reaching out to our fellow aikidokas, we endeavored to accommodate with certain conditions for more participants to be able to join. In the run-up to the Makoto Ito Shihan 2024 Seminar organized by MaAI (Makiling Aikido International), we eagerly anticipating our first major post-pandemic learning activity, but, at the same time, we honestly could not help but feel some anxiety in meeting the expectations of the projected participants.
As I write this now post-event, it would have been nice to say that all our fears were for nothing and that everything worked out as planned, but alas there were setbacks in the form of backlash on some of our stringent conditions, a major injury incurred by one of our guest participants (not to worry - he was treated well and is recovering), as well as some amount of reprimand directed to participants and observers, etc. - so, yes, it was less than perfect.
On the bright side, it really was a well attended event. Of course, we had our own MaAI aikidokas in full attendance as well as the UP Diliman students under the tutelage of our own Sensei Ian Logan participating in their first actual Aikido seminar. Moreover, we also had a good share of local participants coming from several affiliate dojos of Aikiphil, FFA, and Musubi Aikido in attendance - special mention to Citi Aikido coming all the way from Cebu. Overseas participants included the multinational contingent from our fellow aikidokas of the Saudi Aikido Association, as well as the uke companions of Ito Shihan coming all the way from Hombu Dojo on their first trip to the Philippines.
On the first day, Makoto Ito Shihan provided some emphasis on fundamentals for the benefit not only of the beginners, but for long-time practitioners as well. Simultaneously, he was able to elicit a level of practice that sufficiently challenged all levels of participants throughout the day. The momentum carried through to the next day as well with the challenge not only on a physical level, but extending to the mental as well. Based on the feedback and our own observations, we can confidently say that, on a general level, everyone was able to exert their 110% during the seminar, obtaining new experiences and making new acquaintances from it as well.
Much was also obtained from the post-seminar gatherings and discussions among the participants where we shared our pandemic survival stories as well as the current events in the world of Aikido.
For this we are most appreciative for the instruction and direction provided by our guest instructor, Makoto Ito Shihan, and the active and earnest participation of all the aikidokas who attended the event.
In holding this event and witnessing its outcome, we have realized a fresh appreciation of how sincere practice in the art of Aikido can lead to stronger ties among its practitioners and, more importantly, stronger Aikido.
Mabuhay to all!
2024 MaAI International Aikido Seminar
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- Written by: Ritchie Martinez
- Category: Interclub
- Hits: 1129

2024 Kagami Biraki Promotions
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- Written by: Raphael Ravago
- Category: Yudansha
- Hits: 2158

Welcome Page
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- Written by: Raphael Ravago
- Category: Info
- Hits: 7216
Makiling Aikido International, Incorporated
Is an independent organization established to propagate the "mainstream-traditional style" Aikido according to the
teachings of its founder Morihei Ueshiba and is an organization fully recognized by the
Aikikai Foundation - Aikido World Headquarters.
All "Yudansha" members of MAI, Inc. are registered with the Aikikai Foundation - Aikido World Headquarters.
- Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Registration Number 200816080 -