When surrounded by a forest of spears, know that you must use your own mind as a shield. | O-Sensei


2015 MAI West Dojo Interclub

Our third MAI Interclub for 2015 was recently held on July 11, 2015, Saturday at the MAI West Dojo in the heart of Caloocan.  All MAI clubs were in attendance.  The event started with an instructional on the 'jo' short staff by Sensei Raffy, ending with tips on ukemi for jo-kata.  The event then proceeded to a full two-hour keiko session with the first hour headed by our host dojo, Sensei Doods.  The weather was rainy in the morning, opening up to clear skies by noon.  We happily enjoyed the post keiko socials and the shared feast as prepared by West Dojo thanks to Sensei Jimmy.

Next keiko will be in Santa Rosa Dojo in September.  See you there.