Free of weakness, slash through the sharp attacks of your foes: Step in and cut! | O-Sensei

Fellow Aikidokas, we hope you are all doing well despite the restrictions and challenges of living with the COVID-19 pandemic.

It has been a long time coming, but MaAI (Makiling Aikido International) is finally able to resume Aikido practice again this Year 2020.  MaAI has been able to coordinate and setup a new dojo complete with tatami-style rubber mats in the BFRV Park & Playground complex in Las Pinas.  With this development, we have taken a solid step forward to resume normal practice for all our members and practitioners.

At this time, we are consciously taking great care to prevent virus transmission with the now normal use of face masks and disinfectant.  Practice consists of the normal flow of keiko with emphasis now on jo-tori or weapon techniques to maintain social distancing as best as we can.  It certainly is a good opportunity to brush up on the weapon oriented forms that will surely lead to a positive effect on our taijutsu forms.

Stay Safe and See You on the Mats!